Do you know where a majority of our body’s estrogen and testosterone come from?

We all assume the ovaries and testes but it is not! A majority of our estrogen and testosterone come from our skin. Especially after middle age nearly 100% of estrogen is made in the skin.

The skin is an endocrine or hormonal organ. The skin makes hormones for the body including

IGF-1, Thyroid, Human Growth Hormone, estrogen, testosterone and many neurotransmitters.

It is imperative to know what we put on our skin seriously effects our body. 60-95% of chemicals put on the skin travel through the skins hormonal factory. This can have detrimental effects on our health. Everything from insulin resistance, prediabetes, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and cancer all are linked to hormones made in the skin.

The skin and brain originated from the very same embryonic tissue. The Skin is continuously sending information to the brain based on what it senses and absorbs. There the brain receives and alters the body’s chemistry in response. If you want to improve your testosterone or estrogen health? If we all seek well being? We must have a balanced nervous system and balanced hormones. Protect your skin from any contact with chemicals in make up, lotions, sunblocks, soaps, laundry products, fragrances, house cleaning products etc. Here is a list of the top 12 endocrine disruptors:

BPA (plastics)

Dioxin (insecticide)

Atrazine (insecticide)

Phthalates (new electronics)

Perchlorate (Chlorines)

Fire Retardants Lead Arsenic Mercury PFC’s (Perfluorinated Chemicals)



Glycol Ethers

In addition to avoiding chemical endocrine disrupters, we can purchase safer products or make our own. Optimal hormonal balance can be achieved by getting enough sunlight, getting enough sleep and eating plant based, exercise, Avoid sugar, consume healthy fats & proteins. Drink Green Tea and Eat Fish. Often the true underlying cause of inflammation, aging and disease is a disturbance in our hormonal balances.

Lisa Wulf RN RYT

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Lisa Wulf